Francie's First Trip to The Ranch

We went out on Edwards Ranch today with Greg, Trish and the Flynn family. Yes, we took our 9 week old daughter on a 4-wheeler out on the ranch... I was a little concerned maybe this wasn't a "safe" thing to do, but my safety-first husband assured me he would be driving carefully and would go very slow and keep her very safe. I trust him and he kept his word :) It was a gorgeous day and fun to get out on the ranch, Francie slept in the sling on my chest most of the trip and woke up for lunch and to play with the kids for awhile when we stopped.

Dad and sleepy Francie

Crossing the river (we made it safely across already) notice Eva behind Heff watching closely as her new puppy is in the back of the 4-wheeler

Eva in her fancy new pink helmet for 4-wheeling

Spencer with the helmet off but still sporting his chest protetctor

Pit stopped for lunch

Back home for a bath and dressed up for 5:15 mass with the Heffernans

See you tomorrow bloggers