Can You Roll Your Tongue?

Tonight was the Launch Party (aka Spit Party) for my good friend Anne's new company, 23andMe. 23andMe is a personal genome testing company "making genetics personal." With a spit sample, they map your DNA and give you access to their interactive website to see where you came from and what your DNA says about you. Fun things like tongue rolling genes and wine tasting genes, as well as serious things like pre-disposition for some diseases and fun tools like comparing your ancestry to people in other parts of the world. The stickers on our shirts tell our traits... here are the tongue rollers!

The party was so much fun... complete with celebrity appearances from Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell :) lots of wine, snacks and DNA talk! We were interviewed by CBS news for our "unique" family tongue rolling abilities.... Jan can roll, I can not for the life of my roll my tongue and Baby Ann can triple roll hers!! (Look for us on the CBS Evening news in the next week or two.)

Congrats on the big launch Anne!!!

Speaking of genes... who do you think Francie looks like?










And look at Jannie's baby picture!!