Francie's Fancy Rocks

We got the front yard landscaping done on Saturday and it looks much better... hopefully the neighbors won't pretend they aren't friends with us when they walk by anymore :) Heff did a great job and worked hard to get it all in, with a little help from Jose and Hilario of course.

These are our fancy rocks...

Heff was going to run out to get rocks at our favorite dirt store but Francie and I decided to come along for the ride. While Heff was driving over to the rock pile, I saw some much prettier rocks in a pre-filled container on the sidelines. Since it seemed much easier to just load up rocks from a pallet, Heff agreed these rocks were much better than the kind he'd have to shovel into the bed of his new truck himself. It wasn't until we pulled up to the window to pay and they charged $550 to Heff's credit card, we realized these rocks were about 10 times as expensive as the rocks he was going to get. If you come to visit our house, please tell my husband you like his rocks and don't let your kids take any of them home in their pockets.

Sage (right before he sat in the newly planted flower beds instead) I love my dogs :)