Francie Throws a Dinner Party

We had some friends over for dinner Wednesday night and Francie entertained us all. She was a very good baby, helping to shop for groceries, cook dinner, BBQ with Dad and serve cocktails to the guests... (just kidding, she slept the whole time and loved being passed around to be cuddled all night :)

Groccery Shopping at Andronico's with Mom and Jan

Mom gave me a bath before my guests arrive

Trying to decide which outfit to wear... Francie obviously didn't like the one I suggested by the look on her face

Taking a cat nap after I'm clean and dressed for company

Aunt Kat and Grannie Jannie help cook!

Some of Francie's friends... April and Erik

Francie and Mom

Aunt Kat, Jennifer and Jannie keeping me entertained

Tim and Francie

Hanging out after dinner

Worn out after her guests left