What a Crazy Day

We had quite a day! A Halloween Party at playgroup, shots at the doctors office, visits with friends and family, I gave in and got an iPhone, Aunt Kat came by to visit, Uncle Jerry came over for dinner and we topped it all off with a 5.6 earthquake!

Calm before the storm... Dad snuck this picture of Francie and I sleeping this morning (she feel asleep in between us after waking up at 7am to eat and play)

We had a good morning together and Francie got to put on her little piggy costume, here she is in her bouncy while I got ready to head out of the house

She slept right through most of the Halloween Party with all the babies at playgroup (actually called the Stanford Mom's Group since these babies don't really play yet:)

Then we met our friends Nancy, Joe and Whitney Wallace at the park for a visit... Joe is so cute! (Whitney was sleeping in the car)

He was a sheriff today and showed me how to stand on one foot

Nancy meets Baby Francie

After lunch we walked across the steet to Dr. Cisco's new office for Francie's 6-week appointment

In Doctor Cisco's office... Francie weighed in at 10 pounds 10 ounces and 23 inches long

We weren't smiling for too long... she had FOUR shots today :(

Even though she got a sticker she was still not happy after those shots and was a little out of sorts for the rest of the day

Uncle Jerry came over in the afternoon and stayed to help update our computers with iLife 08 so I can have even more fun with my billions of pictures and we can finally download the video from our HD video cam that wasn't compatible with old versions of Mac software, and he set up my new iPhone. He stayed for dinner too and was here for the 5.6 earthquake! (Heff was lamenting that we shouldn't have left the 4-wheeler in Red Bluff in case there were bigger aftershocks and we needed to "get out of town"... oh my crazy husband)