Francie Goes to the Movies in Red Bluff

We are up in Red Bluff for the weekend, Francie and I are hanging out with Claire and Tom, Cathleen, Margaret and Baby Ronan while Heff is out looking for an unsuspecting deer to find it's way into our freezer. He stays out at the "deer cabin" on Greg Weber's family ranch so Francie and I are without him for two nights! Good thing we have Oma to help :) The girls all went to a movie on Saturday, "Dan in Real Life"... it was very cute and Francie liked it so much she slept through the whole movie. She is dressed up (above) in an outift from Aunt Francy for her first time to the movies.

Later in the afternoon watching the sun go down thinking about Dad out there in the hills! (Francie is in an outfit Auntie Baby Ann brought home from Nashville...)

Playing with Cousin Ronan before dinner... he's so big!
(Francie 5 1/2 weeks ~ Ronan 5 1/2 months)