Baby Francie finally meets her Auntie Baby Ann!

Auntie Baby Ann was on Fall Break from Vanderbilt and home for a long weekend to meet her new niece. We are having so much fun hanging out with her, good thing she is a senior and she better be moving home next year :)

I love my Auntie Baby Ann!

We all went to our friends Tim and Cat Komo's wedding Saturday night...

The Heffs on our way to the wedding

Ann figuring out how to keep Francie happy in the carseat for the drive

The "Bill Simonsons" were in town for the weekend to meet Baby Francie... everyone was hanging out around the pizza oven Saturday night after the wedding

Cousin Sadie, Cousin Erin and Aunt Tere

James and Jimmy... The "James Simonsons" with Francie

Auntie Baby Ann and Christine with Francie

Go Vandy!