Francie just Chillin' with the Heffs

The Heffernans! Everybody celebrating after the runners crossed the finish line in the San Jose Half Marathon Sunday morning.. good job Kat, Maureen and Brian! (This is almost the whole clan, just missing Doug, Maureen's husband, who was working hard in SLC saving lives and such:)

Isabel getting smooches from Aunt Maureen

The Guncles! Jannie loves having her brothers around... Uncle Jerry and Uncle John came for lunch Sunday too. (That's Great-Uncle Jerry and John to Francie) It was Uncle Jerry's first time to meet the Heffernans!

UJ and Francie-pants

Mary enjoying the sun while Francie snoozes in the pram

Silly cousin Ellie :) She has lots to teach the little ones!

Sisters with their neices

Heff and Francie with the Uncles Jerry and John

Uncle Mark looks like a GIANT next to the littles

Oma & Opa with Baby Francie. We're so lucky we get to see Claire and Tom so often... this was Oma's 4th time hanging out with Francie in her three and a half weeks of life! Thanks for putting all those miles on the road for us Oma and Opa too!

Getting her snuggle time in with Oma!

Uncle John opening the champagne with the "card shark" burp cloth Jannie made for when the uncles visit

Sleeping through the festivities

Ever seen Heff look short!?! (his 6' 5" can't compete with his brothers 6'9")
Claire and Tom with their offspring... Brian, Mark and Craig; Katherine, Tom, Claire and Maureen

Mare and Heff

Working on their football pools until Big Sister Jannie butts in

She's so entertaining...

Aunt Kat painted the kiddies toes (including Ellie's friend Elijah!) We always ask baby Kate who painted her toes and before she had much of a vocabulary she would sign "Cat" making whisker motions on her cheek :) It was soo cute.

Andrea and Isabel, Aunt Kat and Francie

Tuckered out:) This is a HORRIBLE picture of Heff and me but someone must have snuck the picture with my camera because it just showed up on my last download... we were so tired after five fun days with family we both fell asleep on the couch at the Johnets Sunday afternoon before a yummy "finale" dinner at Mark and Sarah's house. Francie is tucked in between us, she's so much fun to snuggle with!