Francie's Big Family Weekend

We had the whole Heffernan clan in town this weekend! Brian, Maureen, and Katherine ran the San Jose Half Marathon Sunday and the rest of the crowd went as spectators to cheer them on. Claire and Tom had all 5 of their children in Menlo Oaks and for the first time all 4 grandbabies together in one place! It was a great opportunity for lots of pictures (not that I don't take any opportunity for lots of pictures:) Jan and John had a full house with everyroom occupied by Heffernans! We had great meals, outtings and time hanging out.


Big Cousin Ellie (the first grandchild... just like me:) meets Baby Francie at the park between our house and Katherine's house.


Heff relinquishing his daughter to his sister Maureen, he doesn't like to give her up!

All the kids back at our house to hang out before going to the Johnet's for dinner. Maureen's friend from SLC and her two boys came out with her (they drove with all four kids from Utah!) and our neighbors Owen and Emma came by to play too. The kids have "Francie suckers" from See's Candy that say "It's a Girl!"

Kate and her new "Binky Friend" from her cousin Francie (I saw these online and couldn't resist... they have little stuffed animals attached to the "soothie" binkies the Heffernan babies love)

My dad at home after dinner, Francie was sleeping in the bassinet while we ate and she started fussing a little so my dad said "I'll hold her"... this wasn't what I thought he meant by that!


Friday morning in a festive onesie from our friends Joy and Kelly

Francie and I were hanging out on the couch Friday morning and Heff had just walked in from a run, he left the front door open as the sun had come out after some rain and all of the sudden we heard a huge cracking sound. I thought it was thunder but couldn't figure out why it was sunny outside... Heff quickly realized it was a tree falling next to our house and GRABBED my by the shoulders with Francie in my arms, he pulled us under the door frame. Luckily the tree fell in our neighbors yard and missed their house by inches. We had the police out in no time and the city came to take care of the tree. It was pretty scary!

Friday night dinner at our house and Cousin Isabel arrives!

Craig with his baby Isabel and Uncle Mark with Francie...

Aunt Sarah and Isabel

Aunt Kat and baby Isabel

The babies...

Grandpa and Francie

Opa reading to Kate

Hanging out after dinner

Sleeping on Oma


Heading over to the Johnet's for Grandpa John's famous breakfast

Sleeping outside with Opa

The Heffernan Grandbaby-girls pose with their Oma and Opa

Francie making Oma and Opa laugh at her smile :)

Comparing their "mitts" who is cursed with bigger hands?!

Watching football on the couch with Dad while the girls are busy fixing dinner at Jannie and Grandpa Johns

Uncle James and Aunt Em came by on their way to dinner to see their favorite baby Francie! Em brought Francie another adorable outfit... they sure spoil her!!

Sleeping soundly

Priness Sophie (Jannie's "old" baby) has been feeling neglected since Baby Francie arrived and Jannie is over at HER house all the time... she found a new friend on Ann's bed and we found her snuggled up with it last night. This wasn't set up!

The nursing mothers

The cousins! Francie and Isabel will have lots of fun growing up so close in age, here is their first time hanging out together...

Francie punched her cousin Isabel in the eye... She better watch out, Isabel has a few weeks and a few pounds on Francie!

Aunt Kat made a yummy carrot cake to celebrate Tom's upcoming birthday

Happy Birthday Opa!