We're having a baby! But no one knows it yet!!

We're having a BABY!!! We found out Thursday January 11, 2007 and we are SOO excited! I had just gotten back late Wednesday night from a trip to LA to hang out with my uncles and make sure Uncle Jerry made it through his heart surgery Wednesday with flying colors. When I woke up Thursday morning I took a pregnancy test without much confidence it would yeild anything but "one pink line." I acually forgot about it and left it lying in the bathroom medicine cabinet. I stayed home that morning since work wasn't expecting me back from LA yet and I'd been working non-stop lately. I was watching baby shows on TLC all morning (which is nothing new, they've been my favorite shows since I was 12!) when Heff called to say he was coming home for lunch so I got myself off the couch and took a shower around 11. I grabbed the test to throw it away when I took a second look and thought I saw a faint second line. I immediately took a second test and there it was again! Very faint, as I was only 4 weeks 0 days. I couldn't wait for Heff to get home and tell him the news... 2 PINK LINES!! He was beside himself excited, but we know there is a long way to go to make sure this little one makes it through the first trimester so we are as my husband says "cautiously optomistic."

This is how it went....
